Monday, November 23, 2009

The Guenther Family Shoot

Jessica and Eric are another couple that my fiance knows well; they have 7 year old Kayden and 2 1/2 year old Emily. Kayden was a total ham and LOVED the camera, while Emily would rather run around the park and play on the swings (too cute!)

Their pictures turned out great!

I'm SO excited about this shot!

The Burke Family Shoot

So, yesterday was definitely a learning experience. I photographed a family that my fiance is very good friends with. Working with 20 month old children is more difficult than I thought! They did really awesome and I think I got some great shots considering I couldn't keep them in one spot for very long :)

Definitely the best family picture:

I cannot stop laughing at this picture. Caleb looks just like Sean haha! (Connor, right. Caleb, left)

My favorite picture from the shoot:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chandra & James Continued....

Here are some more photos from Sunday's shoot:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chandra & James

Earlier today I went up to Prescott with James (my co-worker) and his wife Chandra.

Here is a sneak peek from their shoot:

More to come very soon!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sammi's Family Pictures

This past weekend I had the opportunity to shoot some family portraits for my co-worker Sam. They plan to use them for their Christmas card this year :0). Here are a few shots from that morning....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mickey & Jesse

This was my very first wedding! I had the privileged of tagging along with my friend Elizabeth to shoot this wedding. We had a great time, and it was definitely a learning experience. They were such an easy couple to work with!

Here are some of my favorites from that day.

September 5th, 2009

Kristen & Mikey

Kristen is one of my closest friends, and my Mary Kay counterpart!
Kristen & Mikey have been dating a little over 3 years and this is the FIRST TIME they have ever taken pictures together!
I'm so happy I had the chance to photograph them!